A big thanks to the A25RU and C92RU teams
Posted by Matthias, LA0FA on lørdag 24. april 2021

I want to thank the excellent Russian team (Vasily-R7AL, Leo-UI8J, Vlad-R9LR and Mike-RU3UR) for yet two magnificient DX-Peditions. Your operating skills and operating style (specifically in CW) is amazing and I enjoy it very much to work you on as many slots as possible. I feel luck to have been able to fill in the TopBand slots, as well as the other lowbands, including 60m. The fact that you also activated QO-100 satellites from the two DXCC entities  is a big bonus on top. 

I hope to see you on many more DXPeditions - my support is guaranteed !

73 de LA0FA - Mat

Worked slots C92RU :  (screenshot clublog)

Worked slots A25RU:


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QSL - bureau - LotW Ultra Beam Controller for Ultra Beam 160,80,60,40,30m Vertical IC7610 and IC9700 Acom2000 - Automatic Power Amplifier CW - the noble art of communication DX hunting QRV on Satellite QO-100 Logging on Mac - RumLogNG (DL2RUM)

LA0FA - 2024 - Matthias Peter

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