Vertical Low Band Antenna for Winterseason 2022/2023
Posted by Matthias, LA0FA on søndag 30. oktober 2022

Also for this winterseason I have erected my Low Band Spiderpole ...  common feedpoint for 160m Inv L, 80, 60, 40 and 30m. Approx 40 radials on the ground with various lengths ... Encouraging first result.


DXCC 320 Sticker
Posted by Matthias, LA0FA on søndag 16. januar 2022

After filing the latest LotW confirmations I received the 320 sticker .. making progress !

Posted by Matthias, LA0FA on fredag 31. desember 2021

I have equipped myself with DMR including an own hotspot. I listen to most of the Norwegian Talkgroups (242x) as well as the Swiss Talkgroups (228x).

Helvetia Contest 2021
Posted by Matthias, LA0FA on mandag 26. april 2021

I participated in the Helvetia Contest 24/25 April. I really appreciate the new rules where DXCC entities outside Switzerland also can contact each other, the 10 points for QSO with HB is of course a strong incentive to really to focus to catch mostly HB, but the cross country possibility generates more traffic and flow throughout the 24 hours testperiod. With 472 QSO's in the log in CW & SSB are to my opinion in middle of a solar storm with very little to none DX here from Scandinavia I am quite happy with the achievement.  

I hope to catch also in 2021 a nice award like the one below in 2020....

A big thanks to the A25RU and C92RU teams
Posted by Matthias, LA0FA on lørdag 24. april 2021

I want to thank the excellent Russian team (Vasily-R7AL, Leo-UI8J, Vlad-R9LR and Mike-RU3UR) for yet two magnificient DX-Peditions. Your operating skills and operating style (specifically in CW) is amazing and I enjoy it very much to work you on as many slots as possible. I feel luck to have been able to fill in the TopBand slots, as well as the other lowbands, including 60m. The fact that you also activated QO-100 satellites from the two DXCC entities  is a big bonus on top. 

I hope to see you on many more DXPeditions - my support is guaranteed !

73 de LA0FA - Mat

Worked slots C92RU :  (screenshot clublog)

Worked slots A25RU:


Artikkel [6] til [10] av totalt [15] Artikkler.
QSL - bureau - LotW Ultra Beam Controller for Ultra Beam 160,80,60,40,30m Vertical IC7610 and IC9700 Acom2000 - Automatic Power Amplifier CW - the noble art of communication DX hunting QRV on Satellite QO-100 Logging on Mac - RumLogNG (DL2RUM)

LA0FA - 2024 - Matthias Peter

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